Experience Being In Los Angeles California USA After Living In China and Asia for So Many Years Now.

When I went to visit LA to see my Mom, the conversation I had with people seems to tend towards negativity. For example, the focus on the people I live with and the country I live in. As if they want to put me in a different reality, that's more imaginary than real. Well, I know my reality, not what you get from books, religions, politics, the media, the news or the Internet. I live it. I experience it. I interact with it. I touch it with my hands. I smell it with my nose. I see it with my eyes. I hear it with my ears. Not from a safe distance but right there upfront. A broad experience is what I have. I immerse myself in my own environment and fully experience everything from all sides with no judgement and with empathy. I don't let anything around me influence my own perception. For sure, I would rather prefer to be liked and to be surrounded by people with the same sensibilities as I do and as positive as I am. Anyway who cares about being liked? It's much better when people do things for you without expecting anything in return rather than just being liked. Negativity is such a poison that just consumes the mind and the way a person lives. On the other hand, positivity and empathy enrich a person to live with such harmony and peace of mind and makes you much more productive and beneficial to the society, the world. People should focus on how to become a better human being rather than focusing on other people or other things. The hatred, the jealousy, the judgemental attitude, the self-centered view of themselves (as if the world revolves around them and the place they consider their home and that they're better than others, either with their looks, intelligent level, social status, religion,etc). It's way too much. I could never ever live in that kind of environment. Life should be peaceful and enjoyed. These people should look at themselves and see themselves for what they truly are, imperfect creatures, who need to do better and to improve themselves, to become better human beings. I am glad that I am surrounded by people who share the same sensibilities as I do. Here's something I've learned about people. For the most part, so many people nowadays are self-righteous and have too much pride. And this makes them terrible human beings. You can never win an argument with them. As long as your statement, no matter how true it is, does not fit their own narrative, you will never win an argument. I just let go and tell them that it only matters to me if it directly affects me. More likely most stuff we have no control of, and if we do have the control, do you have the time and the energy for it instead of just talking about it, which is a waste of time? Has anyone seen anything change just by talking about it instead of doing something about it? Well, let me know. Well, at least when I want something or a change, I do something about it. Talk is cheap.