As a photographer and a filmmaker, I don’t believe that camera matters. It is the person behind the camera that matters. On the other hand, the cameras are your tools, so make sure they are right for the work that you are creating. Having the latest cameras and gadgets are not necessary. My rule is: buy only the equipment if I really need it. There has to be something I need from it in order for me to buy it. For example, I just bought the Canon M50; even though, I already have one DSLR and one Mirrorless camera. So why did I buy this? Well, first of all, for vlogging, my Pentax camera is not easy to use for vlogging. It is quite heavy and bulky. Also when it focuses, it makes a lot of noise. As for my Olympus mirrorless camera, it does not have a mic input, so that cannot be used for vlogging too. And before I bought the Canon M50, I read a lot of reviews about it and see if it is really good for vlogging, and for the most part, a lot of vloggers recommended it for vlogging.
Well, anyway I list some of the cameras, photo equipment, gadgets and accessories I use for my photography and video right below. If you feel like using the same camera, gadget or accessory as I do, please click the link right next to it to buy it from Amazon. By buying from Amazon, , it will give me a little bit of commission, and this will be able to contribute to my photography and video projects and support me as an artist. even though I have a little bit of sponsorship with my projects, every additional funding will definitely help me do a lot more for the projects.
Disclosure: Some of these product links are Amazon affiliate links, which means I might receive a small commission if you decide to purchase them. Anyway this commission will help me with my projects. Though I might get sponsors once in a while, every dollar counts.