The Brainwashing of America

BEING BRAINWASHED is almost being obsessively and deeply in love. You are so in love that suddenly logical reasoning and common sense don't apply to you. You just see this object of your affection as being perfect. You're like on heaven. Whatever she says sounds like poetry to you. Anything that doesn't support this object of your affection becomes an enemy. Even a close friend who cares about you and just wants to warn you about her, knowing she would just take advantage of you. You're now ready to defend her no matter what because she's the love of your life. You will try to find a lot of reasons why she is right for you. Maybe you'll even think God sent her to you to be your soulmate. You thank Him for her. You are now in this bubble with her. It is just you and her against the world. It is a great feeling. How dare anyone wants to break your relationship with her? And the bad thing about it, probably she doesn't love you at all, but she's not complaining. She wants the attention from you. Who would not want that? It is good for anyone's ego. And maybe she'll probably pretend to love you, so she can use that undivided attention from you to her advantage and wrap you around her finger, knowing that she could do anything, and you'd still be enthralled by her. She can make a mistake, even more, but she knows you would not care. Why? Because she knows you're so in love with her that all you'll see are the great things about her. She'll even lie some more, telling you all what you want to hear. Like how much she loves you. How much you mean to her. And that is sad. This is what most cult leaders and dictators have done to influence their people.