My Crazy Fifteen Months of Travel and Seven Months of Living in Hong Kong

It's been a crazy journey for the past one year and three months as I travel from one country to another, from one city to another, from one town to another, including living in Hong Kong while the protests were going on. Quite an experience and learned a lot along the way. Now I am quite exhausted. I haven't completed my goal of going back to South Korea, Taiwan and of visiting Japan for the first time due to the winter season, but at least, with a better airfare than a direct flight back home ($650 against $454, not including my baggage fees) I might be able to stop by Taiwan for seven days before heading back to the US (I might have to go home and visit my Mom for a while until this coronavirus slows down. Still considering it and see how it goes in the next few days. My visa is still good until February 13, so still plenty of time to make a decision.) Anyway if I ever go home, I'll be back, and for my next trip back, I should then be able to visit Japan and also go to Busan, South Korea (been to Seoul quite a few times but not Busan). Well, let's see in a few days if I really have to go home.