What I Feel About a Typical Human Being

A lot of people put themselves in the confines of what they're most comfortable with, what they're most familiar with, what they think is right based on their beliefs and experience that they lost sight of being curious, something we always have as a child growing up and the willingness to open up, learn and absorb the other things that make us a more well-rounded human being with the ability to think independently without the influence of other people, the media and other external factors. I do believe that there is something to learn from every culture, every country, every race, every human being that can contribute to what it is to be human. It is the reason why I travel. It is that quest that keeps me growing as a human being, a life student. And when you vote in this election, go with your mind and not get influenced by your party affiliation, your religion or the media. All these external factors tend to influence us so much that we lose sight of being a decent human being who can think on her own, knowing what's right and what's wrong, which I believe is based on our instinct and our inherent moral values, not our religion or other things.
