In American Politics, There are Two Sides: the Right and the Left.
In America, there are two sides to politics. The Right and the Left. I am neither. Both sides have its bad and its good. I just choose the less evil, but looking at both sides of the issues, it seems the left side makes more sense than the other side. Looking at both sides of the issues, it seems this side makes more sense than the other side. The other side only deals with the conspiracy theories, "my rights" versus the "the common good," distractions from real issues by talking about topics that don't pertain to the real issues, focuses more on specific negative stories that pushes their narrative rather than looking at the big picture with both sides of the issues. It is quite sad when people are so deep into the "cult" that they are so blinded that they can't see the reality of the situation anymore. And why do I feel the other side is like a multi-level marketing business, with people trying to convince you to be on their side by sending you text messages with links to conspiracy theories with nice graphics which anyone can do but no real sources 🙄 Yeah, and I am supposed to believe something because the copy and graphics were nicely done. And they always have this nice tag. Read it before it is taken down. But few weeks later, it is still there LOL 😁 It is done to instill fears and mistrust of everything outside the "Fox News" narrative.