Christopher Revon Photography and Film - Digital Media Producer/Content Creator

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Let's Stop the Blaming Game. The Virus Could Come Anywhere.

For the past two weeks, I have been just staying inside. I only went out twice just to buy groceries. It is not because there is a lot of cases of Coronavirus here. It is because I am quite busy working a lot on my laptop. The number of cases of Coronavirus here is not as high as in other countries. But I can see the sacrifice my friends are doing back in China. Not going out for more than a month now. Just staying inside their homes. They are only allowed to go out every two or three days to buy groceries and necessities too. Now that it seems that coronavirus is spreading all over the world. Are other people willing to do the same sacrifice? Is it still going to be "we against them?" Then let's stop the blame game. There were also viruses that came from other countries: the Spanish flu, the swine flu, MERS, Ebola virus, the plague, the bird flu, AIDS, etc, but no one started criticizing those countries and posting videos that made those people look bad. This is called schadenfreude, which means the pleasure derived by another person from the misfortune of another person or group of people. Now maybe it is time to unite instead of criticizing and attacking other groups of people. Use common sense. Just because you see a video of one person doing one bad thing, it does not mean all the people in that group or race are the same, that they're all bad people. Do you think your country can handle this situation better? Does your country have enough medical supplies and hospital beds and staff to handle thousands of patients and thousands of deaths? Think about that before doing any criticism.